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How to Log PHP Errors and Warnings

You don’t want to keep the debug mode enabled to display the errors and warnings on your website but still want to see what you’re missing? Or maybe just want to write some info to a log for debugging purposes?…

Install WordPress on Linux

You have your Linux server with Apache, PHP and MySQL setup? You just need to install WordPress now and start developing websites

Change Active Version of PHP

If you have several version of PHP installed, you can switch between them at anytime. To change between them you use the update-alternatives command which will display available versions and let you choose which one you want active.

Install PHP 8 on Ubuntu 20.04

In Ubuntu 20.04 the standard version of PHP is 7.4. You might want to install the newest version which is 8.0 (as of April 2021). Before installing it, you need to update your repository to get the packages: Now let’s…

Connect Apache to Tomcat Using mod_jk

This short tutorial will explain how to connect Apache 2 to Tomcat 10 using mod_jk. First thing, let’s install mod_jk. Now let’s create the workers properties file: Here is a simple example: Next, edit Tomcat’s server.xml file to enable…

Install OpenJDK on Ubuntu 20.04

OpenJDK (Open Java Development Kit) is a free and open-source implementation of the Java Platform, Standard Edition (Java SE). Before you begin, let’s update the apt package index: Now let’s install it (it can take a few minutes as there…

Create a Virtual Host for Apache on Ubuntu

After you installed Apache you can start hosting websites. For each website (domain or subdomain) you will need a Virtual Host. This requires a file that conatins information for Apache to find where the website’s files are on your server,…

Use Custom Fields to Find Related Posts

WordPress makes it easy to find posts in the same category, with the same tag, most recent posts and so on. You may want to refine what other posts you recommend when viewing a post. For example, in one category…