Schedule Automated Backups of Your Website in cPanel Using cron Jobs
Take control of your cPanel backups and make sure you generate and download backups of your files and MySQL databases automatically on a regular basis.
Tutorials for Web Developers and more. Easy and fun!
Tutorials for Web Developers and more. Easy and fun!
Short tutorials for WordPress plugins, themes, WooCommerce, etc.
WordPress makes it easy to find posts in the same category, with the same tag, most recent posts and so on. You may want to refine what other posts you recommend when viewing a post. For example, in one category…
When using the Yoast SEO plugin, you can define a Primary Category for each post. Here is the code to find it:
add_theme_support( ‘post-thumbnails’ ); set_post_thumbnail_size( 610, 610, true ); // sets the default featured image dimensions. add_image_size( ‘theme-blog-vertical’, 405, 500, true ); add_image_size( ‘theme-blog-small-square’, 300, 300, true );